Principală » 2011 » Mai » 2 » Primele imagini din casa in care a fost ucis Osama bin Laden
7:04 PM
Primele imagini din casa in care a fost ucis Osama bin Laden
ABC News a dat publicitatii, in exclusivitate, primele imagini din casa in care Osama bin Laden a fost ucis.

Categorie: Stiri | Vizualizări: 467 | Adăugat de: articolenoi | Tag-uri: imagini, Osama bin Laden ucis | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comentarii : 1
1 Jenna  
Hi there Dear, What you ˙have here rllaey have me wicked up to the last sentence, and I hafta tell you I rarely read the entire post of blogs as I generally got sick and tired of the gibberish that is presented to me on a daily basis and then I just end up checking out the headlines and maybe the first lines etc. But your tag-line and the first paragraphs were so cool and it instantly forced me to stay. I definitely wanna see more. Thanks, rllaey.

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